Destructive energy

This week’s post is different from my usual writings. It reaches inward to a difficult journey I was called to traverse many months ago. I’m still wandering its dark valley, and it is rich with wisdom and learning. As I reflect on my growth this year, here is what unearthed itself in written form.
Happy Winter Solstice to all.
When the Destroyer shows up…
… it is time to break through to a new level of growth and creation but doing so risks the comfort and safety of now.
… there’s a potential for trauma to reveal itself — trauma that your brain has long protected you from seeing.
…she brings the power to move you. And unlike other forms of self-protection (hiding, staying), movement brings the risk of injury, though seldom of the physical kind.
…you must learn to nurture your Self.
…you must learn to center your Self.
…walk the Dark Valley slowly. There is no need to rush.
…ground yourself and process the emotions that arise so Destruction can’t get stuck within — it must be moved through.
… you are asked to choose between Self and powerful other, between Truth and convenience.
… you must choose your Self and your Truth many, many times on your way through that Valley.
… you must learn to be the Protector of your Self.
If you’re experiencing destroyer energy — often in the form of unexpected surges of rage — I invite you to book a no-cost discovery call before you suppress what needs to be seen.
It is tempting to ignore the anger (especially at the holidays) because destruction and rage are considered bad, ugly or inappropriate. In fact, they are the precursors to great creation as long as they can be processed properly.